Know in the moment where every student is, every step of the way
Find out how Nearpod can address learning loss in your school.
Request a demoIn 2020, teachers used Nearpod to capture 1.5 billion insights into student learning. With Nearpod, you can deliver informed and effective instruction linked to student outcomes.
Create a FREE teacher account
Create interactive lessons and videos to help connect with every student.
Register for a live webinar
Learn how to get started with our FREE webinars.
Bring Nearpod to your school or district
Help every teacher at your school flex for distance learning, hybrid, or classroom settings with Nearpod.
Access funding resources
Visit our guides for more information about assistance in bringing Nearpod to your school.
Know where every student is in their learning
Hear from every student on every question to build authentic connections and boost participation. Get formative assessment insights in real-time and in post-session reports.
Take a closer look and see how Nearpod works ⟶
Flex between classroom, distance learning, or hybrid
Whatever learning looks like this year, feel confident that your students can participate in any environment. Receive instant feedback from students regardless of device type or availability and address student concerns in the moment, even remotely.
See how Nearpod empowers teachers to deliver engaging and effective instruction during distance learning
See how educators are using Nearpod to impact instruction in the moment to combat learning loss

Read how Nearpod’s Social and Emotional Learning content provides a whole child approach with instruction for the skills students need for life & beyond school.

See how South Bronx Early College Academy powered teachers with new tools and lessons that raised student engagement and proficiency with Nearpod.

Learn how the value of formative assessment shaped Nearpod to promote inclusivity, support reference media, and assess students’ understanding.
Discover more stories like these on the Nearpod blog